More Packages For Greater Success

Our in-house, expert team is always on hand to help answer your questions, get you started, and grow your presence online.

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  2. Pricing

Starter Pack

Setup Fee ₹99,999

5,000 /month
  • No. of Customers - 500
  • No. of Branches - 2
  • Card Design Free
  • Printing Service
  • No Free Cards

Growth Pack

Setup Fee ₹1,49,999

8,999 /month
  • No. of Customers - 1500
  • No. of Branches - 5
  • Card Design Free
  • Printing Service
  • 100 Free Cards

Enterprise Pack

Setup Fee ₹1,99,999

11,999 /month
  • No. of Customers - 4000
  • No. of Branches - 10
  • Card Design Free
  • Printing Service
  • 400 Free Cards

Ultimate Pack

Setup Fee - ~

~ /month
  • No. of Customers - ~
  • No. of Branches - ~
  • Card Design Free
  • Printing Service
  • 400 Free Cards
Frequently Asked Questions

All the answers you're looking for

If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.

Meta pack and control provides a user-friendly platform where you can set your own pricing and package contents. This allows you to customize packages to perfectly align with your customers' needs.

Meta pack and control supports a variety of payment plans, including monthly subscriptions, pay-as-you-go plans, and one-time payments. This flexibility ensures that businesses can cater to diverse customer preferences.

Yes, Meta pack and control offers analytics and reporting features that allow you to track the performance and usage of the packages you create. Gain insights into customer preferences and optimize your offerings accordingly.

Absolutely! Meta pack and control is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises. The platform is scalable and adaptable to meet the unique needs of various business models.

Absolutely! Meta pack and control offers dedicated customer support to assist you with any issues or questions you may have. Our team is committed to ensuring a smooth experience for our users.

By allowing businesses to offer tailored packages, flexible payment plans, and proactive reminders, Meta pack and control aims to enhance customer satisfaction, fostering loyalty. This, in turn, contributes to business growth by retaining and attracting customers.

Get started

Ready to supercharge your business?

Explore the possibilities of taking your operations to the next level with our dynamic solutions. Revolutionize your approach to efficiency, customer satisfaction, and growth. Unleash the potential of your business – it's time to make the leap forward!"